- Hign-concerned Chemical: None
- Certification: EPA
- Power Source: AC
- Origin: Mainland China
- Type: Dogs
- Item Type: Dog Hair Trimmer
About this item
🐶【Pet Grooming Vacuum for Dogs】The dog grooming vacuum has three cleaning modes: silent mode(3000pa), normal mode(6000pa) , maximum mode(10000pa). Dog vacuum produces sound below 60 decibels when used. You can use the silent mode first to let your pet get used to the mode and avoid being frightened and having a stress reaction.When your pet becomes familiar with silent mode, slowly try using the dog grooming kit other two modes.(Suggest cats use first gear suction)
🐕【Dog Vacuum Grooming Kit】Pet vacuum grooming kit include: carding brush ×1, cleaning brush ×1, comb guard set × 8 (3/6/9/12/15/18/21/24mm), crevice tool ×1 and electric scissors ×1. The crevice tool and cleaning brush can clean the pet hair on the sofa andclothes, the grooming brush can clean the surface of the pet hair,and the dog grooming clippers shear 8 different sizes of blades can trim the appropriate shape for your pet.
🐱【Pet Grooming Clippers】Pet grooming clippers require a long press of the button for three seconds to start, and are equipped with 8 different sizes of guide combs: 3/6/9/12/15/18/21/24mm. Guide combs of different sizes can help trim furry friends with different hair lengths, body types, and breeds. For example, golden retriever, husky, poole, schnauzer, maltese, ragdoll cats, short haired cats, maine cat, Garfield cats, etc.
🐈【2.5L Large Capacity】The pet groom vacuum is equipped with a 2.5-liter easily removable dust cup, which collects 99% of pet hair to prevent pet hair from falling at home. Avoid frequent cleaning of vacuum cups during the pruning process. Pet hair grooving vac perfect for grooming your pet’s hair at home or in the yard, saving you time and money.
👉【Cleaning Tips】Please keep the pet grooming kit dust cup and sponge filter clean, and dry them in a ventilated place after regular cleaning.Please do not continue to use the sponge filter when it is wet, it is easy to cause accidents.
📪【After Sales Service】We provide 1 year warranty and 7 * 24h service. If you have any questions about the vacuum dog grooming kit, please feel free to contact us.We will be happy to help you with your questions.

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